To classify who I am, I have to consider the locations and people in my life, and also the events that have shaped who I am. Family is somewhat important to me, but not enough to make me want to stay in Phillips, my hometown. I love my mother and my nine siblings, my grandma and my cousins, but I want to see the world, make a difference, change lives. Also, my family have had a lot of problems. To stay true to my girl-next-door persona, I'm the mediator in most of the fights. And believe me, there have been A LOT of fights, in multiple combinations. I like to smooth things over instead of stirring things up; I am the real version of Jenny Green, a character in "Teen Idol", a novel by my favorite author, Meg Cabot. A major thing that has shaped who I am is my parents' divorce. In February of my sophomore year, my dad le
ft the state for a job in Illinois. Two months later, after my mom found out he was living with his high school sweetheart and her three kids, she filed for divorce. The divorce made a lot of ripples in our lives. My sister and I took separate sides in the divorce, and we have been fighting constantly ever since. For the first time, I learned that I could really hold a grudge. I may be nice to those haven't done anything to me or anyone else, but being cold and silent is my talent when someone makes me mad. Siding with my mom, I stopped talking to my dad for more than a year. An important thing to know about me is that I'm an emotional shield, something no one has really found out. I never let my emotions show, no matter how horrible I feel. Sometimes I wish people could see it, but that's who I am, so I dont regret it. and even though no one can see through my shield, I am really good at seeing through others. This is one of the reasons I want to be a therapist. I want to help people with their problems and make them feel better about themselves.

Like most teenage girls, I have a lot of interests and hobbies. But being the walking contradiction I am, a lot of mine are opposites. I love getting dirty by riding dirtbikes and fourwheelers or having mudfights, but I like shopping and makeup too. Reading is a huge part of my life, but I hate staying still. If you ever watch me while I am reading, I fidget every few minutes. Talking to people is so much fun to me, but at home I am quiet and secluded in my room. I don't try to get good grades, but when it comes to projects, I'm a perfectionist. I want to make connections and have a home and family, but I want to see the whole world while I'm at it. Traveling is my biggest ambition. Seeing all the worlds places and meeting its wide variety of people is my dream. Seeing all of the different cultures and how much different they are from mine is something I want. As I've grown up, I haven't been as good off as others. I've had to work all summer every summer to have money to buy all the things I need and want. But I've reminded myself that even though my life may seem bad, a lot of people's lives have been worse. I want to be able to help them have better lives, too. Volunteering is a very important thing, in my book, with this being one of the reasons. I feel guilty sometimes that I don't volunteer as much as I should.
A person's individuality is as unique as a fingerprint. No one is exactly the same as another person, but I know I am no where close to being similar. My personality changes by the season, in sync with the weather cycle. It may seem unusual, but it's true. One thing that doesn't change is my continual happiness. Smiling could quite possibly be my middle name! I laugh at everything from a joke to a funny face. When I say funny face, I mean a facial expression that is so different from everyone around them that I absolutely have to laugh. Without laughing and smiling, I don't know how I would get through the day. Funny is another trait of mine. Whether I make a funny face to make someone feel better, tell a joke that isn't funny yet seems hilarious anyway, or making fun of myself (I am one of the few people who can make fun of myself and still love who I am), I get people to laugh. Optimism is another one of my traits. Breanna Johnson, one of my friends I see only in the summer, commented once that I am the most positive person she ever met and if I'm sad or quiet, the end of the world is coming. Being able to look at the positives is one of my strengths. I'd rather look at the happy than the dark and gloom. I happen to here from many people that I am very creative. Creativity just comes to me; I don't know how though. Maybe I am just naturally outside the box? When asking anyone to describe me, most of them say smart. Academics have always been one of my strong points without even trying. This is a good thing because it will hopefully be the reason I can go to college for eight or more years and not have a huge debt. One quality I pride myself over is my kindness. I treat everyone equally, even if I don't like the person. I happily possess the "Nebraska wave," or the habit of waving to everyone you pass while you are driving. Before I went to D.C., I thought everyone did that. It wasn't until my class started talking about the phenomenon that I realized I was possibly one of the few out of the 112 students there that did such a thing. I am overly polite to everyone I meet, and I easily make friends with them. Do you know that person that starts giving their life stories when you say hi to them or smile at them? I'm the girl who encourages such behaviors!
That's just a small fraction of me! Like a big, sparkly $500,000 diamond, I have many facets!
Listen to my #1 Life Soundtrack Song Here I Am by Carly Patterson:
ReplyDeleteThis is just a wonderful blog in so many ways! Your design is awesome and your writing is spectacular and candid. I never knew you and Katie had a difference of opinion. You two are so completely different. I find it hard to believe you are sisters! Great song, too!
You now how to make me laugh and for that I thank you. You know how to make me feel better when I'm having a bad day. You are your own unique person and I'm glad you are one of my best friends. If you ever need some one to talk to just ask. ok.
ReplyDeleteJessica, im so glad i know you, i dont know what i would do if i didnt. your an amazintg person with many given talents and i cant wait for you to show them! i love this post and you are a great writer.
ReplyDeleteJessica you are tottaly awesome!!! You're an awesome writer and your background rocks my world!!